Building a Springy and Healthy Patellar Tendon (Jumpers Knee Key)


These exercises are often the missing link for building a springy and healthy patellar tendon!

The majority of patellar tendon injuries like tendinopathy (jumpers knee), comes from spring loads (that’s when the tendon stores and releases elastic energy rapidly).

Building strength is a good thing, but no amount of slow strength training prepares the tendon for spring loads.

Your tendons are kind of like springs but there’s one major difference: A spring can be compressed and held for a long period of time and it will still release the same energy. Tendons, however, cannot absorb/hold elastic energy and release it. The energy begins to dissipate if the storage and release isn’t rapid. This is why no amount of squats or deadlifts would prepare you for energy storage/release. The point of reversal has to be fast.

This is why plyometrics is so important for performance enhancement and injury reduction. The issue is that athletes usually don’t utilize low level knee dominant extensive plyo’s, which is a great way to introduce the tendon to spring loads.

Human tendons can withstand insanely high spring loads. We just aren’t patient enough to actually start at a tolerable level and gradually overload!

This advice doesn’t just apply to active athletes. If you want to run around with your kids, casually hop out on the court, etc. you need tolerance to spring loads. Traditional fitness/strength training, flexibility, etc. are a great first step but we need tolerance to rapid spring loads in order to safely run, jump, cut and play. If you want to play like a kid for as long as possible, this is a great thing to add into your workout! Check out more workouts like this with Durability Code!