The Durability Code is designed to RESTORE your movement brilliance, then PRIME your body for peak performance while significantly reducing the risk of injury in sports and in life.

This 16-week program is science-based and athlete tested! We couldn’t just give you one piece to the puzzle. The Durability Code is a comprehensive full-body strength and conditioning system covering all the major areas of physical development.

  • Full body progressive strength program designed to not only improve your strength and physique, but also simultaneously improve range of motion movement quality. 
  • Highly scalable plyometric system that helps athletes SAFELY build spring tolerance in their tendons/fascia while becoming impact durable.
  • Corrective exercise program by biomechanics experts to improve pelvis and foot function. This part of the program has helped our athletes free up their entire body by fixing the foundation (foot) and the centerpiece of the body (pelvis).
  • Movement quality and movement fluidity is a huge factor for reducing pain/injuries while improving our performance in sports. This program has worked wonders when it comes to building that “effortless fluidity” that the greatest athletes tend to move with.

The Durability Code is designed to RESTORE your movement brilliance, then PRIME your body for peak performance while significantly reducing the risk of injury in sports and in life.

This 16-week program is science-based and athlete tested! We couldn’t just give you one piece to the puzzle. The Durability Code is a comprehensive full-body strength and conditioning system covering all the major areas of physical development.

  • Full body progressive strength program designed to not only improve your strength and physique, but also simultaneously improve range of motion movement quality. 
  • Highly scalable plyometric system that helps athletes SAFELY build spring tolerance in their tendons/fascia while becoming impact durable.
  • Corrective exercise program by biomechanics experts to improve pelvis and foot function. This part of the program has helped our athletes free up their entire body by fixing the foundation (foot) and the centerpiece of the body (pelvis).
  • Movement quality and movement fluidity is a huge factor for reducing pain/injuries while improving our performance in sports. This program has worked wonders when it comes to building that “effortless fluidity” that the greatest athletes tend to move with.
· Stage 1 Program
· 8 Weeks 
· Lifetime Access $99.00 | Now $85.00

Progressive and Highly Scalable 8-Week Training Program. This isn’t just one piece of the puzzle, The Durability Code- Restore is a complete training system designed to rebuild your body from the ground up!

Full-body Strength Training Program Designed to Improve Durability/Longevity While Simultaneously Enhancing Performance and Physique. The Durability Code- Restore strength training protocol goes far beyond building functional muscle— we aim to build healthy and durable connective tissues (tendon, fascia, ligaments). Sports and life in general are a battle… let’s build some ARMOR that can help protect you in the battle!

Masterfully Designed + Highly Scalable Plyometric System. One of the keys to longevity in sports and life is optimizing the SPRING in your tendons, muscle and fascia. Whether you’re an athlete looking for better “spring tolerance” to reduce the risk of tendon injuries/pain, or you’re an everyday gym goer looking to build back that spring you once had, our plyo protocol can be a game changer! Each plyometric exercise has NUMEROUS LEVELS that range from beginner to expert. As you gradually progress through each level, your tendons and fascia become more tolerant to SPRING LOADS (which is a leading cause of tendinopathies like Jumper’s Knee, Achilles Tendinopathy, Plantar Fasciopathy, etc). Our progressive plyo protocol also increases “impact durability”, which means we’re building your body’s ability to handle high ground reaction forces associated with jumping, running and cutting (this decreases risk of shin splints, knee injuries and back pain). 

Corrective Exercise Program to Restore Optimal Movement/Mobility While Improving Alignment and Posture. We brought in a world-renowned biomechanics and corrective exercise GENIUS—Connor Harris— to build the corrective exercise portion of the program. The 2 main focus areas of the corrective exercise protocol are restoring/optimizing movement in the PELVIS and the FOOT. The Pelvis is the CENTERPIECE, and the foot is the FOUNDATION of the entire body. Inactivity, excess sitting and imbalances built through your sport/training often lead to compensations at the pelvis and/or foot. Our NBA players are always amazed when they clear up years of knee pain or back pain and “tightness” through simply getting the pelvis and foot functioning properly! 

Conditioning System Designed to Make You a Better Functioning Human AND Become More “Fatigue Resistant” in Sports. Many injuries in sports happen in a fatigued state. The Restore program aims to improve endurance, not only to decrease risk of injury in sports, but also because aerobically fit people exhibit better circulation/blood flow and nutrient delivery to the tissues which improves recovery and helps heal injuries faster. 

Ninja Development. No, we’re not trying to actually turn you into a ninja… but we do want you to MOVE like one. If you’re looking to perform better in sports while decreasing the risk of injury, we need to improve FLUIDITY of movement, stability/balance, proprioception and body/spatial awareness. 

Precise Workload Management System. The majority of “overuse injuries” like tendon pain, shin splints, etc. come from SPIKING our workload (overtraining). Studies now confirm that overuse injuries aren’t necessarily from doing TOO MUCH, it comes from doing too much, TOO SOON. But, there is a HUGE issue that is not addressed in 99.9% of training programs— objectively tracking workload between the weight room AND your sport. I’ve had thousands of athletes ask the same question— “how do I balance my strength and conditioning with my basketball training… what’s the right amount to avoid overtraining?” Well, we teach you a proven formula to calculate your workload to ensure that you aren’t doing TOO MUCH (Overtraining) or NOT ENOUGH (Undertraining). 

The Other 23. Your 1 hour in the gym is great, but what about the other 23 hours? We include nutrition guides with world renowned Naturopathic Doctor/Sports Nutritionist Dr. Marc Bubbs to ensure your diet is on-point to optimize recovery and body composition. We provide extensive breathing practices, a sleep guide, a barefoot transition guide, sitting guide (how to reverse the negative effects from chairs), recovery protocols and MORE. 

· Stage 2 Program
· 8 Weeks 
· Lifetime Access $99.00 | Now $85.00

The Durability Code- Prime is Our Level 2 Program. This 8-week program is founded on the same principles as the “restore” program, but we kick it up a notch with new exercises and higher intensity!

The Prime Program is Designed for People who have Successfully Completed our Restore Program. However, some advanced athletes who are 100% pain free and have NO movement limitations may be ok skipping Restore and beginning with Prime. 

In the Restore Strength Protocol, we Began Building the ARMOR (Muscle, Tendon, Ligament and Bone Strength).  In Prime we continue building the ARMOR but we also aim to bridge the gap between the weight room and the court/field. From a performance standpoint, this is where our athletes typically begin to rave about how STRONG they feel in their sport! From an injury reduction standpoint, this is where we incorporate D.C. Principle #9 (Link to that portion of the page)— Injury Vaccination. Properly progressed strengthening should act like a vaccination for the body. Exposure to a virus could make you sick, but if given in SMALL DOSES it’s actually protective. Hamstring strains happen at long muscle lengths and usually rapid loading… so should we avoid this? NOPE. We attack it. Higher forces occur at the knees when the knee goes beyond the toes… should we avoid it? NOPE. In Prime, we attack these positions with “graded exposure”, meaning we work through precise progressions/regressions to gradually build tolerance and protection.

Through 8-weeks of “Restore” We Should Have Built a Good Base of “Spring Tolerance” Through Our scalable Plyometric Protocol. In Prime, we continue taking your tendon, muscle and fascia “spring” to the next level through extensive plyometrics, but we also begin incorporating some intensive plyometrics. These progressions are very gradual and you’ll need to pass each level before graduating to the next stage. This is where DC principle #2— Impact Durability (Link to that portion of the page)— really begins to shine through. Have you ever seen a 10-year-old kid who is highly active, plays sports all day, jumps off the swing day after day and STILL has no joint pain? Or even the parkour athlete who has never stepped foot into a weight room but routinely jumps off buildings and sticks the landing without wrecking their knees?!? These are prime examples of “impact durability”. Your FIRST line of defense against ground reaction forces in running, cutting and jumping is “pre-activation/co-contraction”, and your second line of defense is the reflexes of the peripheral nervous system such as the “stretch reflex”.  The Prime program uses specialized plyometric progressions along with sprint drills + running progressions to optimally develop these 2 lines of defense. 

In the Corrective Exercise Portion of the Prime program, Biomechanics Genius Conor Harris Gives You Exercises That Add the Final Layers to What we Already Built in “Restore”. When our athletes finish the Prime program, they usually report that their hips/pelvis moves smoother and better than ever along with strong/stable feet to go with it.

Restore Built a Great Aerobic Base and Touched on Some Anaerobic Work, Now We Turn It Up Another Notch. DC principle #6— Fatigue Resistant — becomes a key component of the Prime program. Injuries in sports often happen in a fatigued state, but it’s not just fatigue itself that causes this. Fatigue often leads to “neurological glitches”, which basically means that when we’re tired, the nervous system may “glitch” and forget to activate the right muscle at the right time. This drastically increases the risk of things like ACL tears. The Prime program uses what we call “fatigue/coordination” supersets, which uses an exercise to fatigue your lower body, then we immediately have you perform an unloaded highly coordinated movement pattern. This trains your nervous system to stay coordinated and sharp in a fatigued state, which can lead to BETTER performance late in games and also reduces the risk of injuries.

If Restore Got You Moving Like a Ninja, Prime Should Get you to Black Belt Status! We continue to develop our movement skills, balance, proprioception, fluidity like a true NINJA should!

Precise Workload Management System. The majority of “overuse injuries” like tendon pain, shin splints, etc. come from SPIKING our workload (overtraining). Studies now confirm that overuse injuries aren’t necessarily from doing TOO MUCH, it comes from doing too much, TOO SOON. But, there is a HUGE issue that is not addressed 99.9% of training programs— objectively tracking workload between the weight room AND your sport. I’ve had thousands of athletes ask the same question— “how do I balance my strength and conditioning with my basketball training… what’s the right amount to avoid overtraining?” Well, we teach you a proven formula to calculate your workload to ensure that you aren’t doing TOO MUCH (Overtraining) or NOT ENOUGH (Undertraining). 

The Other 23. Your 1 hour in the gym is great, but what about the other 23 hours? We include nutrition guides with world renowned Naturopathic Doctor/Sports Nutritionist Dr. Marc Bubbs to ensure that your diet is on-point to optimize recovery and body composition. We provide extensive breathing practices, a sleep guide, a barefoot transition guide, sitting guide (how to reverse the negative effects from chairs), recovery protocols and MORE.

Both Durability Code Programs (Restore + Prime)
16 Weeks
Lifetime access $170.00 | NOW $140.00
Both Durability Code Programs (Restore + Prime)
16 Weeks
Lifetime access $170.00 | Now $140.00
durability code movement
Improve Movement Quality
Decrease Risk of Pain And Injury
durability code pjf performance
Build Full-Body Functional Strength
Improve Performance
durability code movement
Improve Movement Quality
Decrease Risk of Pain And Injury
Build Full-Body Functional Strength
Improve Performance
durability code pjf performance


The Durability Code Restore and Prime operate on 15 key principles. If you’re willing to lock in and stay consistent throughout this program, you’ll be amazed how far these principles can take your longevity, athleticism and overall fitness!

Click below to learn our 15 key principles.


Our full-body strength protocol might not lead to powerlifting records, but our athletes rave about how strong they actually feel in their sport! This is what we call HUMAN strength. We’ve seen too many athletes develop strength while decreasing movement quality in their sport. Our approach to full-body strength training gives you the ARMOR you need to perform better and reduce the risk of injury in sports and everyday life.

Impact Durable

What do parkour athletes, “natural” freak athletes and highly active kids have in common? Well, they aren’t particularly weight room strong, but they can still handle thousands of plyometric contacts without injuring their joints! Their muscles, fascia and tendons have a certain “bounce/spring” that the injury prone athletes usually lack. They’re skilled at absorbing the high ground reaction forces involved in jumping, running and cutting.  The Durability Code aims to restore this natural gift that we were all born with, but have lost over time. Through years of testing and refining The Durability Code we have cracked the code when it comes to developing a scalable and progressive system to build your spring tolerance and impact durability. Becoming impact durable will significantly reduce the risk of shin splints, Achilles pain, patellar tendon pain, back pain and many other common “overuse injuries”. 


Small hinges move big doors. It’s the little things like pelvis mechanics and foot function that often make the biggest difference. If you have knee pain, Achilles pain, shin splints, etc. should we focus on THAT AREA? Sure… we will attack the specific area, BUT most importantly we take a global approach to improving the way you move. Excessive sitting, previous injury, imbalances caused by sports, etc. often will cause breakdowns in the pelvis/feet that manifest as knee pain, back pain, Achilles and foot pain. We partnered with a biomechanics GENIUS, Connor Harris, who provides programming to improve pelvic, rib cage, foot and breathing mechanics. These methods are proven to improve alignment/posture, mobility and movement capability.

Connective Tissue Resilience

Conventional strength training is overly focused on the muscles but it often fails to build resilient tendons, fascia and ligaments! Connective tissue has numerous qualities such as stiffness vs. compliance, elasticity, hysteresis, etc. and the RATIO of these qualities are delicate. Too many athletes build one of the qualities while neglecting the others, and it leads to tendon ruptures, tendinopathy and a wide range of injuries. The Durability Code builds the connective tissue to be strong, resilient and SPRINGY to handle the demands of sports.

Sixth Sense

Proprioception and kinesthetic awareness training has been shown to drastically reduce the risk of injury. Knowing where your body is in space at all times and developing elite body control is one of the biggest factors for optimal performance and injury risk reduction.

Fatigue Resistant

Too many athletes lose their mechanics and get sloppy under fatigue. Step 1 is building a big aerobic base. Being aerobically fit helps with blood flow and circulation, which is a huge factor for healing injuries and recovering faster. Step 2 is teaching your body how to stay highly coordinated in a fatigued state. Many injuries like an ACL tear can result from “neurological glitches”, meaning the nervous system forgets to activate the right muscle at the right time. These neurological glitches are far more common when athletes become fatigued. We don’t want you to just be durable in the first quarter, we want you durable in the 4th quarter and overtime!

True Flexibility/Mobility

Our clients have made huge changes in their flexibility and mobility on this program, but it’s far more than simply improving range of motion. In fact, flexibility by itself often does more harm than good if it doesn’t come with simultaneous strength, stability and motor control gains. Through a combination of full range of motion strengthening, end range isometrics and gradually progressing from static to more ballistic stretching, our athletes develop more USABLE range of motion in sports. We don’t want to simply get into lower positions in sports, the key is to effectively get INTO AND OUT OF lower positions with power and fluidity.

4D Athlete

You’ve heard of the sagittal, frontal and transverse plane? Training in all three planes is considered 3-dimensional training. The 4D athlete can fluidly move in all three planes of motion simultaneously. To simply run in a straight line (sagittal plane), you have rotation occurring at the torso, hip, ankle and foot (transverse plane). The 4D athlete has unlocked all planes of motion, which drastically reduces injury risk and improves performance.

Injury Vaccination

The old school method of injury reduction training often AVOIDED positions that were considered “higher risk”. Here’s 3 common examples: 1) More hamstring strains occur with RAPID lengthening of the hamstrings (like in sprinting) so people just avoided rapid lengthening. 2) Higher forces occur in the knees when the knee goes beyond the toes, so everyone was fearful of squatting with their knees over their toes. 3) We experience higher stress to the joints in jumping/landing, so people just decided to stop jumping when they became adults out of fear that they would break down the knees/back. Instead of saying “lets become durable in those positions”, many coaches and PT’s often just avoided them. Luckily, we now have an overwhelming amount of research supporting the fact that we CAN repair muscle, tendon, bone, ligaments and EVEN CARTILAGE to a certain extent with proper exercise. This means that these “higher risk” positions we experience every day in sports and in life should NOT be avoided, instead, we give you “graded exposure” to very gradually build your tolerance to these positions. It’s very similar to the concept of a vaccine. High exposure to a virus may make you sick, but a small dose of it could actually protect you. Exercise works in the same fashion!

Ninja Development

This term came from our athletes continuously telling us they’re MOVING DIFFERENT, but could never fully explain what they meant. Eventually, one player said, “I feel like a NINJA!”. Well, that’s what we’re chasing in The Durability Code. Those who practice Ninjutsu move well, have crazy body/spatial awareness, look “light” on their feet and move swift with high fluidity. I don’t care what sport you play… moving like a ninja will increase longevity and improve performance!

Balanced Body

Research has shown that one of the leading causes of injury is excessive left/right asymmetries. Humans are naturally imbalanced, but if these imbalances increase by about 15% +, our injury risk goes up. By largely prioritizing unilateral (side leg, single arm) training, we can significantly reduce these L/R imbalances. We will still use some bilateral (double leg training), but conventional strength training often overuses bilateral training, which leads to even bigger imbalances because the stronger leg always takes over! By prioritizing unilateral (single leg) training, our “weaker” leg can’t hide and it’s forced to get stronger and more powerful!

Respect The Ratios

The human body has been looked at from an isolated standpoint by many coaches and PT’s for a long time. This isn’t always a bad thing, but sometimes people fall into the path of trying to get MORE out of each individual tissue (muscle, tendon, etc.) without respecting the RATIO. For example, it could be detrimental for an athlete to improve muscular strength IF that strength didn’t come with a simultaneous increase in tendon elasticity. Muscles attach to tendons, then tendons attach to bone. So, you can easily see how something like TOO MUCH slow strength work relative to the amount of tendon elasticity training could change the optimal ratio needed for longevity. Even the tendon ITSELF has delicate ratios that should be accounted for— tendon stiffness vs. tendon compliance can easily be thrown out of balance with too much emphasis in one training modality. The Durability Code doesn’t swing too far in one direction in training, which allows us to build all of the important tissues in a balanced manner.


Movement is complex and takes place in ALL planes of motion. The ultimate durable athlete tends to be the kids who played a bunch of different sports, and never stopped being active by challenging their body with different physical tasks. Each sport provided a unique set of movement skills, making their movement bank larger. This is exactly what variability in training is all about! The Durability Code will have you moving in all planes of motion, learning new movement patterns you probably never thought of, and will challenge the brain and the body to constantly adapt and add to its “movement bank” week after week.


The foundation of human movement is walking and running. When we improve our ability to walk and run with optimal mechanics, our chances of staying healthy and durable for the long term significantly increases. By restoring optimal fluidity, mobility and functional strength through precisely designed training and lifestyle changes, our athletes tend to walk and run more efficiently!

The Other 23

Your 1 hour in the gym is great, but what’s happening in the other 23 hours? In addition to your daily workouts, we provide nutrition guides from a world-renowned nutritionist/neuropathic doctor, recovery protocols, extensive breathing techniques, sleep guide, barefoot transition guide and much more! Being a durable athlete requires attention to detail in and out of the gym!


The Durability Code Restore and Prime operate on 15 key principles. If you’re willing to lock in and stay consistent throughout this program, you’ll be amazed how far these principles can take your longevity, athleticism and overall fitness!

Click below to learn our 15 key principles.


Our full-body strength protocol might not lead to powerlifting records, but our athletes rave about how strong they actually feel in their sport! This is what we call HUMAN strength. We’ve seen too many athletes develop strength while decreasing movement quality in their sport. Our approach to full-body strength training gives you the ARMOR you need to perform better and reduce the risk of injury in sports and everyday life.

Impact Durable

What do parkour athletes, “natural” freak athletes and highly active kids have in common? Well, they aren’t particularly weight room strong, but they can still handle thousands of plyometric contacts without injuring their joints! Their muscles, fascia and tendons have a certain “bounce/spring” that the injury prone athletes usually lack. They’re skilled at absorbing the high ground reaction forces involved in jumping, running and cutting.  The Durability Code aims to restore this natural gift that we were all born with, but have lost over time. Through years of testing and refining The Durability Code we have cracked the code when it comes to developing a scalable and progressive system to build your spring tolerance and impact durability. Becoming impact durable will significantly reduce the risk of shin splints, Achilles pain, patellar tendon pain, back pain and many other common “overuse injuries”. 


Small hinges move big doors. It’s the little things like pelvis mechanics and foot function that often make the biggest difference. If you have knee pain, Achilles pain, shin splints, etc. should we focus on THAT AREA? Sure… we will attack the specific area, BUT most importantly we take a global approach to improving the way you move. Excessive sitting, previous injury, imbalances caused by sports, etc. often will cause breakdowns in the pelvis/feet that manifest as knee pain, back pain, Achilles and foot pain. We partnered with a biomechanics GENIUS, Connor Harris, who provides programming to improve pelvic, rib cage, foot and breathing mechanics. These methods are proven to improve alignment/posture, mobility and movement capability.

Connective Tissue Resilience

Conventional strength training is overly focused on the muscles but it often fails to build resilient tendons, fascia and ligaments! Connective tissue has numerous qualities such as stiffness vs. compliance, elasticity, hysteresis, etc. and the RATIO of these qualities are delicate. Too many athletes build one of the qualities while neglecting the others, and it leads to tendon ruptures, tendinopathy and a wide range of injuries. The Durability Code builds the connective tissue to be strong, resilient and SPRINGY to handle the demands of sports.

Sixth Sense

Proprioception and kinesthetic awareness training has been shown to drastically reduce the risk of injury. Knowing where your body is in space at all times and developing elite body control is one of the biggest factors for optimal performance and injury risk reduction.

Fatigue Resistant

Too many athletes lose their mechanics and get sloppy under fatigue. Step 1 is building a big aerobic base. Being aerobically fit helps with blood flow and circulation, which is a huge factor for healing injuries and recovering faster. Step 2 is teaching your body how to stay highly coordinated in a fatigued state. Many injuries like an ACL tear can result from “neurological glitches”, meaning the nervous system forgets to activate the right muscle at the right time. These neurological glitches are far more common when athletes become fatigued. We don’t want you to just be durable in the first quarter, we want you durable in the 4th quarter and overtime!

True Flexibility/Mobility

Our clients have made huge changes in their flexibility and mobility on this program, but it’s far more than simply improving range of motion. In fact, flexibility by itself often does more harm than good if it doesn’t come with simultaneous strength, stability and motor control gains. Through a combination of full range of motion strengthening, end range isometrics and gradually progressing from static to more ballistic stretching, our athletes develop more USABLE range of motion in sports. We don’t want to simply get into lower positions in sports, the key is to effectively get INTO AND OUT OF lower positions with power and fluidity.

4D Athlete

You’ve heard of the sagittal, frontal and transverse plane? Training in all three planes is considered 3-dimensional training. The 4D athlete can fluidly move in all three planes of motion simultaneously. To simply run in a straight line (sagittal plane), you have rotation occurring at the torso, hip, ankle and foot (transverse plane). The 4D athlete has unlocked all planes of motion, which drastically reduces injury risk and improves performance.

Injury Vaccination

The old school method of injury reduction training often AVOIDED positions that were considered “higher risk”. Here’s 3 common examples: 1) More hamstring strains occur with RAPID lengthening of the hamstrings (like in sprinting) so people just avoided rapid lengthening. 2) Higher forces occur in the knees when the knee goes beyond the toes, so everyone was fearful of squatting with their knees over their toes. 3) We experience higher stress to the joints in jumping/landing, so people just decided to stop jumping when they became adults out of fear that they would break down the knees/back. Instead of saying “lets become durable in those positions”, many coaches and PT’s often just avoided them. Luckily, we now have an overwhelming amount of research supporting the fact that we CAN repair muscle, tendon, bone, ligaments and EVEN CARTILAGE to a certain extent with proper exercise. This means that these “higher risk” positions we experience every day in sports and in life should NOT be avoided, instead, we give you “graded exposure” to very gradually build your tolerance to these positions. It’s very similar to the concept of a vaccine. High exposure to a virus may make you sick, but a small dose of it could actually protect you. Exercise works in the same fashion!

Ninja Development

This term came from our athletes continuously telling us they’re MOVING DIFFERENT, but could never fully explain what they meant. Eventually, one player said, “I feel like a NINJA!”. Well, that’s what we’re chasing in The Durability Code. Those who practice Ninjutsu move well, have crazy body/spatial awareness, look “light” on their feet and move swift with high fluidity. I don’t care what sport you play… moving like a ninja will increase longevity and improve performance!

Balanced Body

Research has shown that one of the leading causes of injury is excessive left/right asymmetries. Humans are naturally imbalanced, but if these imbalances increase by about 15% +, our injury risk goes up. By largely prioritizing unilateral (side leg, single arm) training, we can significantly reduce these L/R imbalances. We will still use some bilateral (double leg training), but conventional strength training often overuses bilateral training, which leads to even bigger imbalances because the stronger leg always takes over! By prioritizing unilateral (single leg) training, our “weaker” leg can’t hide and it’s forced to get stronger and more powerful!

Respect The Ratios

The human body has been looked at from an isolated standpoint by many coaches and PT’s for a long time. This isn’t always a bad thing, but sometimes people fall into the path of trying to get MORE out of each individual tissue (muscle, tendon, etc.) without respecting the RATIO. For example, it could be detrimental for an athlete to improve muscular strength IF that strength didn’t come with a simultaneous increase in tendon elasticity. Muscles attach to tendons, then tendons attach to bone. So, you can easily see how something like TOO MUCH slow strength work relative to the amount of tendon elasticity training could change the optimal ratio needed for longevity. Even the tendon ITSELF has delicate ratios that should be accounted for— tendon stiffness vs. tendon compliance can easily be thrown out of balance with too much emphasis in one training modality. The Durability Code doesn’t swing too far in one direction in training, which allows us to build all of the important tissues in a balanced manner.


Movement is complex and takes place in ALL planes of motion. The ultimate durable athlete tends to be the kids who played a bunch of different sports, and never stopped being active by challenging their body with different physical tasks. Each sport provided a unique set of movement skills, making their movement bank larger. This is exactly what variability in training is all about! The Durability Code will have you moving in all planes of motion, learning new movement patterns you probably never thought of, and will challenge the brain and the body to constantly adapt and add to its “movement bank” week after week.


The foundation of human movement is walking and running. When we improve our ability to walk and run with optimal mechanics, our chances of staying healthy and durable for the long term significantly increases. By restoring optimal fluidity, mobility and functional strength through precisely designed training and lifestyle changes, our athletes tend to walk and run more efficiently!

The Other 23

Your 1 hour in the gym is great, but what’s happening in the other 23 hours? In addition to your daily workouts, we provide nutrition guides from a world-renowned nutritionist/neuropathic doctor, recovery protocols, extensive breathing techniques, sleep guide, barefoot transition guide and much more! Being a durable athlete requires attention to detail in and out of the gym!

LIFETIME ACCESS – $170.00 NOW $140.00

Additional Bonuses

pjf performance nutrition guide

Nutrition Guide

When it comes to optimizing your longevity, athleticism and getting a shredded physique, nutrition is key!

We brought in a world-renowned nutritionist and naturopathic doctor, Dr. Marc Bubbs to provide you with nutritional guidelines.

In addition to the free nutrition guides, when you sign up for The Durability Code, you’ll be able to upgrade to add on The Nutrition Code app for 50% off! That’s only $7 per month to receive our app that will take your diet to the next level by providing hundreds of meal plans that specifically fit your calories, macro, and micronutrient needs! Track your meals and get ranked from A-F every day on each nutrient to ensure that you have no deficiencies. It’s almost like having a nutritionist in your pocket!

Load Management Guide

The number 1 cause of overuse injuries such as tendinopathies, shin splits, etc is doing too much too soon. Rapidly spiking your workload in training and sports is enemy #1 for becoming pain-free and durable! This guide teaches you exactly how to calculate your acute to chronic workload ratio in the weightroom AND in your sport. This will allow help us avoid overtraining and truly understand when to go harder and when to put on the brakes.


You take over 23,000 breaths per day. Proper breathing is the foundation of your health and longevity! This guide not only teaches you the proper way to breath throughout the day, but also dives into specific techniques you can use for increased focus, calming techniques and decreased stress/anxiety. Restricted breathing also is enemy #1 for full-body mobility and fluidity. When you learn to breath the correct way, those tight/tense muscles that are always “on” often become more supple and relaxed.

Sleep Guide

The gains don’t happen in training, it happens during sleep! This guide teaches you scientifically based principles for improving sleep quality and duration.

Recovery Protocols

These 12 recovery methods are scientifically proven to optimize recovery between workouts. We place a high priority on getting the most out of our recovery, which leads to maximal gains. Train hard, recover hard, get results!

Barefoot Transition Guide

The foot is the foundation for the entire body. Thick/stiff-soled shoes have decreased our foot strength, mobility and proprioception. The problem is, we’ve been wearing shoes for so long that when people transition too fast to a barefoot lifestyle they often get injured. This guide teaches you how to gradually transition out of the shoes so that you can safely start your barefoot/minimalist shoe journey.


For thousands of years, humans have rested on the floor in various different sitting positions. In today’s society we have largely eliminated floor sitting in favor of chairs. Excessive chair sitting places our body in one position for far too long throughout the day and gradually our bodies often adapt to these positions. Tight hip flexors, weak hip extensors, tight calves/back and poor posture can often be the result of excessive sitting.

This guide teaches you how to transition back to floor sitting whenever possible. We won’t make you ditch the chairs, we just want to teach you how to balance out your resting postures so that your entire day becomes a natural mobility/posture workout.

LIFETIME ACCESS – $170.00 NOW $140.00

LIFETIME ACCESS – $170.00 NOW $140.00

Additional Bonuses

pjf performance nutrition guide

Nutrition Guide

When it comes to optimizing your longevity, athleticism and getting a shredded physique, nutrition is key!

We brought in a world-renowned nutritionist and naturopathic doctor, Dr. Marc Bubbs to provide you with nutritional guidelines.

In addition to the free nutrition guides, when you sign up for The Durability Code, you’ll be able to upgrade to add on The Nutrition Code app for 50% off! That’s only $7 per month to receive our app that will take your diet to the next level by providing hundreds of meal plans that specifically fit your calories, macro, and micronutrient needs! Track your meals and get ranked from A-F every day on each nutrient to ensure that you have no deficiencies. It’s almost like having a nutritionist in your pocket!

Load Management Guide

The number 1 cause of overuse injuries such as tendinopathies, shin splits, etc is doing too much too soon. Rapidly spiking your workload in training and sports is enemy #1 for becoming pain-free and durable! This guide teaches you exactly how to calculate your acute to chronic workload ratio in the weightroom AND in your sport. This will allow help us avoid overtraining and truly understand when to go harder and when to put on the brakes.


You take over 23,000 breaths per day. Proper breathing is the foundation of your health and longevity! This guide not only teaches you the proper way to breath throughout the day, but also dives into specific techniques you can use for increased focus, calming techniques and decreased stress/anxiety. Restricted breathing also is enemy #1 for full-body mobility and fluidity. When you learn to breath the correct way, those tight/tense muscles that are always “on” often become more supple and relaxed.

Sleep Guide

The gains don’t happen in training, it happens during sleep! This guide teaches you scientifically based principles for improving sleep quality and duration.

Recovery Protocols

These 12 recovery methods are scientifically proven to optimize recovery between workouts. We place a high priority on getting the most out of our recovery, which leads to maximal gains. Train hard, recover hard, get results!

Barefoot Transition Guide

The foot is the foundation for the entire body. Thick/stiff-soled shoes have decreased our foot strength, mobility and proprioception. The problem is, we’ve been wearing shoes for so long that when people transition too fast to a barefoot lifestyle they often get injured. This guide teaches you how to gradually transition out of the shoes so that you can safely start your barefoot/minimalist shoe journey.


For thousands of years, humans have rested on the floor in various different sitting positions. In today’s society we have largely eliminated floor sitting in favor of chairs. Excessive chair sitting places our body in one position for far too long throughout the day and gradually our bodies often adapt to these positions. Tight hip flexors, weak hip extensors, tight calves/back and poor posture can often be the result of excessive sitting.

This guide teaches you how to transition back to floor sitting whenever possible. We won’t make you ditch the chairs, we just want to teach you how to balance out your resting postures so that your entire day becomes a natural mobility/posture workout.

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  • Yes, it is possible to mix Durability Code with other programs. However, once you see how comprehensive this program really is, you may not feel the need to add in any other forms of training (other than your sport, of course).
  • I understand that some athletes are required to do strength and conditioning with their team. In that case, you would just add in pieces of The Durability Code to compliment your current training. 
  • For best results, we would recommend making this program your top priority and sprinkle in other forms of training as needed.
  • We include a guide that teaches you how to calculate your acute to chronic workload ratio, which will be a game changer for you to learn how to balance your training between the weight room and your sport! 
  • Standard gym access is advised.
  • There are quite a lot of bodyweight exercises, so if you don’t have gym access you CAN still get results with just the bodyweight variations.
  • Ideally, we want access to dumbbells, a cable machine and a barbell. If you have these 3 items you will be good to go!
  • There are some optional items (these are in the programs BUT can be substituted if you don’t have access) 1. Foam Roller (not to foam roll, we actually use it for a few hamstring variations). 2. Prowler Sled- this is great to have, but we teach you band alternatives if you don’t have a sled or SPACE to do the sled exercises. 3. PJF Extended Length Band 4. PJF Fabric Mini Band (we actually don’t do many mini band exercises, but we like to use fabric mini bands to attach weights or cables to our feet for ankle strengthening or hip flexor work. If you don’t have the band don’t stress, there’s plenty of alternatives that you can come up with). 
  • Our clients have experienced significant gains in athleticism on this program! When we get you moving better, every area of athleticism and skill improves. This is full body strength and conditioning, plyo’s, change of direction, etc. The main difference is that we made this program highly scalable so that it’s extremely safe and reduces the risk of injury. There’s certain principles and methods that increase performance while simultaneously decreasing the risk of injury; that’s what this program is all about!
  • We found that the majority of athletes THINK that they’re ready for the most intense plyometrics and advanced methods, but the truth is they’re missing underlying qualities that allow them to perform these methods safely. This program builds those “missing links”, which will help transform you as an athlete. By the end of “D.C. Prime”, you will be performing the intense/advanced methods (if you graduate from each level), but we get you there without skipping steps, which sets you up for longevity as an athlete.
  • This is our most ADJUSTABLE and SCALABLE system designed to date. Our level 1 exercises can be done by nearly anyone. Then if you’re pain free and you pass that level, you move onto the next level at your own pace.
  • We designed the program so that an elite athlete as well as an everyday gym goer can both benefit due to the wide range of levels on the exercises. 
  • We’ve used this program on non-active athletes and they consistently report feeling less pain, better movement quality, huge fitness/physique improvements (less fat/more functional muscle) and are springier. 
  • One aspect that not many systems address is getting back that “bounce/spring” in the tendon/fascia that we tend to lose with age and inactivity. This program has been extremely successful in getting people’s spring back, which is important if you want to run around with your kids or hop in the occasional pick-up basketball game!
  • We cannot provide direct medical advice for you. This program is NOT a specific rehab program for you, so we advise checking in with your physical therapist and making sure you’re cleared to begin a progressive strength and conditioning program. This program has worked wonders for athletes coming off ACL repair, Achilles repair and many more surgeries, but we always advise consulting with a medical professional before beginning this program.
  • We cannot give you direct medical advice and we always recommend checking in with a physical therapist in your area. However, this program is in line with an overwhelming amount of research on tendinopathy. The program has been extremely successful at getting rid of Jumper’s Knee, Achilles Tendinopathy, Shin Splits and other “overuse” related injuries. 
  • We cannot be there with you to properly assess your injury, so we cannot tell you exactly what is causing your pain. We advise getting an in-person assessment with a PT and asking them if this program is right for you. 
  • We do, however, teach you how to monitor pain and we encourage that you do NOT push through pain on this program. If you follow instructions properly, you should be able to work around any nagging pain to continue to build your fitness and movement skills, which often takes stress OFF of the injured area through improved full body mechanics. Don’t let what you CANNOT DO interfere with what you CAN DO!
  • This program can be effective for nearly all ages because the exercises have various levels!
  • However, there are some exercises that are extremely detail-oriented, so a young kid or inexperienced trainee may want to train alongside someone who can comprehend our directions and help them master the form.
  • We’re known for providing EXTREMELY comprehensive video demonstrations for every exercise.
  • Each exercise doesn’t just come with the demonstration; it comes with in-depth instruction. Outside of the gains you’ll get from the program, the knowledge you’ll gain is unparalleled!
  • We provide so much information through our exercise videos that we could easily package this as exclusive education for coaches and sell it for thousands of dollars. But, we would rather keep it affordable and help thousands of athletes, coaches and everyday people transform their lives.
  • Nope, this program is a one-time purchase and you keep access to your program FOR LIFE!
  • Keep in mind that this is NOT an expensive subscription-based program, which means that we cannot provide direct assessment and individualized coaching for you. In order to do that, we would have to make the program much more expensive to fairly compensate physical therapists and qualified strength coaches, which would then bump the price range far outside of what 90% of people could afford. We want to help everyone, not just the 10% of people that can afford expensive training! Remember, you can always take this program to a physical therapist or trainer in your area for additional guidance if needed!