
Transform your speed, quickness, agility and multi-
directional explosiveness

Maximize your Vertical Jump

Become a healthier and more durable athlete


$240.00 USD

$200.00 USD

Speed Coaches


agents and Pro’s normally pay tens of thousands of dollars for 12 weeks of training with Paul and LEs.


Speed Code Logo
LIFETIME Membership

$240.00 USD ONLY $119.95 USD

Lifetime Membership

$200.00 USD ONLY $99.95 USD

Speed Coaches


agents and Pro’s normally pay tens of thousands of dollars for 12 weeks of training with Paul and LEs.



Speed Code Logo
LIFETIME Membership

$240.00 USD ONLY $119.95 USD

Lifetime Membership

$200.00 USD ONLY $99.95 USD



The Speed Code is designed for any athlete that needs more speed, agility, quickness, and overall explosiveness. This 12-week program does NOT require weight room access. For advanced athletes with weight room access, add the Speed Code to your existing lifting plan. For beginner/intermediate athletes, use the bodyweight strength exercises provided in the program. This program is extremely comprehensive and includes speed mechanics, power development, plyometrics, agility, bodyweight strength training, mobility/stability drills, foot, and ankle optimization, breathing exercises, and more.

The Speed Code Youth is great for athletes 8-14 years old. The program builds movement quality, speed mechanics and sets athletes up for a long and successful career regardless of sport. These are the most critical years for speed, agility, quickness, and movement quality development. This safe and effective 12-week program lays the movement/athleticism foundation for a long, successful career in any sport.

This program requires no weight room access, just 2 power bands for resisted sprints.

Equipment required

  • 2 Bands strong enough for resisted sprints*
  • Optional: Medicine ball 10-20 lbs
  • Optional: Pull sled with weight plates (can use bands instead if you don’t have a sled).

*We recommend buying 2 of our PJF Extended Length bands (grey color). Otherwise, an alternate medium resistance band will work fine.



The Speed Code is designed for any athlete that needs more speed, agility, quickness, and overall explosiveness. This 12-week program does NOT require weight room access. For advanced athletes with weight room access, add the Speed Code to your existing lifting plan. For beginner/intermediate athletes, use the bodyweight strength exercises provided in the program. This program is extremely comprehensive and includes speed mechanics, power development, plyometrics, agility, bodyweight strength training, mobility/stability drills, foot, and ankle optimization, breathing exercises, and more.

The Speed Code Youth is great for athletes 8-14 years old. The program builds movement quality, speed mechanics and sets athletes up for a long and successful career regardless of sport. These are the most critical years for speed, agility, quickness, and movement quality development. This safe and effective 12-week program lays the movement/athleticism foundation for a long, successful career in any sport.

This program requires no weight room access, just 2 power bands for resisted sprints.

Equipment required

  • 2 Bands strong enough for resisted sprints*
  • Optional: Medicine ball 10-20 lbs
  • Optional: Pull sled with weight plates (can use bands instead if you don’t have a sled).

*We recommend buying 2 of our PJF Extended Length bands (grey color). Otherwise, an alternate medium resistance band will work fine.

Speed Code Logo
LIFETIME Membership

$240.00 USD ONLY $119.95 USD

Lifetime Membership

$200.00 USD ONLY $99.95 USD


The Speed Code uses 5 key phases to unlock your speed and vertical jump potential. These are the same principles used to train hundreds of NBA, NFL, and elite youth athletes!
1. Healthy Human Foundations

The human body should be elastic, explosive, and ready to go to battle at any point in time. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyle and early sport specialization have stripped our natural abilities and left us injury prone and in pain. This 2-week phase kick starts the rewiring of the body. Build quality functional movement, develop springy fascia/tendons, and develop the foundational strength needed to thrive.

2. Freak Athlete Foundations

The goal is to become a freak athlete… but we can’t just copy the freak athlete’s workout. Copy LeBron or Usain Bolt’s workout and you’ll likely end up injured with no results. Why? You probably don’t have the foundational qualities in order to become a freak athlete… YET! This phase trains your body’s neuromuscular system and provides a progressive introduction to the qualities needed to become a FREAK ATHLETE. We’re aiming for an improved nervous system (Brain-Body connection), building the fast-twitch fibers, and training the tendons for optimal spring. This phase trains the qualities needed to unleash our genetic potential.

3. Explosive Athlete Development

By the time athletes reach phase 3, their coaches and peers typically have already noticed significant improvements. Now it’s time to take the foundation that we’ve developed and transfer it into HEAD TURNING multi-directional explosiveness and speed.

4. Cheetah Mode

We’ve built our foundation, we’ve developed explosiveness and tuned in our speed mechanics… now it’s time to unleash the Cheetah! This phase is where velocity starts to peak and things begin to get real scary!

5. Bright Lights

This is the Actualization Phase. We cut back on volume and remove some of our bodyweight strength training in order to PEAK. We kick up the brain training in this phase by making most drills based on a reaction. It’s not enough to GET athletic, we want to PLAY athletic. This phase helps transfer everything you’ve built to the court/field.


The feet are possibly the most overlooked area when it comes to improving athleticism and reducing injury risk. Modern shoes have ruined our feet and The Speed Code Foot Training Protocol is here to regain optimal function of the feet. We will strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the feet and ankles, which will decrease “energy leaks” and gradually transition you towards barefoot training.

A huge component of athleticism is MENTAL. We teach you how to visualize in 3 main zones- pre-workout, between sets/reps, and post-workout. When we fine-tune our visualization/meditation skills we can erase mental barriers. Whatever the brain believes the body will follow!

Explosive Nutrition Guide
When it comes to optimizing your athleticism and getting a shredded physique, our explosive athlete nutrition guide is a major key. We’ve got the best nutritionist in the game, Dr. Marc Bubbs from Canada Men’s Basketball, to guide you in the kitchen to get optimal results. Need to lose fat? Build muscle? Increase energy in training/games? Dr. Bubbs covers it all!

Half the battle when it comes to building head-turning speed is developing proper form/mechanics. This 40-minute film session by Les Spellman teaches you everything you need to know to develop blazing speed. This mechanics breakdown could easily be sold for $100+, but you get it for FREE along with the Speed Code program!

These 12 recovery methods are scientifically proven to optimize recovery between workouts. We place a high priority on getting the most out of our recovery, which leads to maximal gains. Train hard, recover hard, get results!
Lifetime Membership

$240.00 USD ONLY $119.95 USD

Lifetime Membership

$200.00 USD ONLY $99.95 USD



What sport would benefit most from speed code?

ANY SPORT that requires speed, change of direction, agility, quickness and overall movement quality. Basketball, football, rugby, tennis, track and field, volleyball, baseball and many more sports would tremendously benefit from this program.

Can I pair this with my lifting program or Vert Code?

This program provides all of the bodyweight strength training needed for most athletes. If you are advanced, and would like to pair this program with a weight lifting program, that is ok.

The Speed Code Program(s) involve plyometrics, so you will get all the vertical jump training needed through this program. If you are advanced and you want to combine Vert Code Elite or the Fat Don’t Fly weight lifting portion with Speed Code, that will work as long as you listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Should Speed Code be done before or after Vert code?

Either! This program is very different from The Vert Code and gives your body an entirely new training stimulus to adapt to. The good news is athletes often transform their vertical jump (especially 1 leg bounce) on the speed code, so you won’t JUST get more speed, agility, and quickness from Speed Code, you’ll also be working on your bounce!

Can I do this program if I’m injured?

You need to be fully cleared by your physical therapist or physician if you’re coming off an injury. Our healthy human foundations phase is unbelievable with building movement quality and reducing injury risk, but you need to be cleared by your PT or physician to begin!

Can I do this program in season?

It depends on how demanding your practices and games are. It can be beneficial in season as long as you modify it according to how your body feels. You will have to cut out portions of the program that you’re already getting through your sport.

What kind of gains can I expect?

Let’s get 1 thing clear, we’re here to transform your athleticism. We aren’t looking to “touch up”. We made this program for HUGE gains. Your genetics and training age will play a big factor in exactly how much you gain, but we are 100% confident that this program will help you reach your genetic potential.